Theres been some swearing here, Mr Y painted the decking recently and it all looked lovely, we have come home today and the birds have emptied the contents of the gutter all over it LOL
Some clematis grow better in a shady area, make sure to buy one for the right place in the garden. Planting them with the soil just above the stems will help prevent clematis wilt, and regardless of type cut them right back the first 2/3 years to promote lots of stems. Placing stones around them help to stop the ground drying out.
Peonies like sun, being fed and planted with buds just below the soil. I've moved them successfully, but they don't flower for a while.
Love clematis. I've got two in flower right now, one that has already flowered and two yet to flower.
I'm a bit samey. If I like something I have more than one. I'm very fond of hostas. They do well in my NW facing garden. Hardy geraniums are another favourite. Along with roses and herbs.
We've completely replanted the front garden too, and I have about 35 different roses in one of the beds. When we were planting them, a woman walked by and said "you won't get roses to grow here, wrong type of soil". We often laugh and wonder if she's ever walked by again, because the front is a riot of roses! I hope she has and been forced to eat her words