Thanks Nellie , am just having a browse through, there's an awful lot clearance stuff. Why should I be surprised?
Just spotted this rather pretty little silver diamonique ring at half price and sizes K to N available if anyone is interested. Item 606359 for £16.96.
Am I the only person who doesn't own a juicer and doesn't want a juicer?
No, FP, you're not. I don't own one and certainly don't want one.
We had one when I was married. I left it with the ex, who later binned it. In order to get a decent glassful of whatever you were juicing you had to buy tonnes of fruit, so we reckoned it wasn't that economical .... even when bulk buying fruit from Lidl.
The last straw was when he bought loads of strawberries to make a strawberry 'smoothie.' He left the lid off the top!!! Result? A pink stained ceiling, walls and units and one heck of a strawberry smell...... and nothing in the glass.