The Princess had to go to the vet today for her annual booster. If the dog sitter didn't require it, I wouldn't keep doing as I believe it's overkill to vaccinate yearly.
She had her jab, didn't flinch at all, then he looked at her noshers. He said she has some tartar build up, and recommended getting her in and putting her out to clean them.
I declined as I feel it's dangerous to use anaesthetic unnecessarily. I brought her home, got out my kit, and did it myself. She was very good letting me do it, I've done most of it, and I'll do the rest over the weekend. It came off really easily, so if your dog's noshers need a scaling, give me a shout!
I get praised for cleaning the boys teeth. The truth is Alf is a lazy lump and happily opens his gob for me to do the job. Harvey? I'm whistling Dixie. Not a hope. All I do is get him to lick a bit of toothpaste off a Dreamie once in a while.
Well in typical style Alf loves being brushed and Harvey is having none of it lol.
A few years ago the vet wanted a picture of Alf's teeth. They use him as a case study to show other pet owners worried about dental extractions. She said she would just go and get a colleague. What for I asked. To hold his mouth open she said. Like this I said as I opened Alf's gob whilst he just sat there. She took the picture sharpish.
I value my fingers too much to even try. The vet gave us some tooth cleaning gel to put on Meg's paw. The idea was she's lick it off & clean her teeth at the same time. It reality she did a good impression of Monty Python's silly walks sketch.