Boots normally starts pestering me around 5.30am so I knew it was a bit odd it was past 6.00am when I woke up. He had been sick during the night and was looking very sorry for himself on his bed. He was fine later and back to normal. It's the first time he's been sick, and I had given them both some before I went to bed. Millie wasn't in so I don't if she was sick as well.
I bought those for Meg Frazz, but she couldn't chew them. She just sucked and dribbled. Not a pretty sight. I had to break them up for her into 1 cm bits so she could eat them. My niece has a new kitten called Bear. Bear gets real crab sticks!
Bloody Harvey won't eat "real" crab sticks. He looks at his bowl in bemusement. He won't even eat cooked fish or chicken unless it has been cooked that day. Next day ... nope he won't eat it.
And thanks to his picky knickers ways I can now tell you which "fresh" prawns at Sains have been previously frozen or made from reconstituted. Those are the ones he will not eat.
Alf, god love him, will eat ANYthing. He even gives the spots in the carpet pattern a regular try.
He's fine now, I found a tunnel toy in the garage this morning I had bought for Millie a few years ago. It rustles like a carrier bag. I just got "the look" from Millie but Boots is having fun with it.
Harry loves the cat sticks - I break them up and feed him them bit by bit as a treat sometimes. He doesn't seem to suffer any ill effects from them.
We used to buy the similar, but flat, dog strips for Rosie. She really liked them and I used them as training treats as well as just something to chew. We eventually put two and two together, though, and realised that it was these that were making her very 'loose' - iykwim! In the bin and not bought since!